Religious Education Procedures and Resources

Safety & Supervision Procedures

Safe Congregation Policy

The Safe Congregation Policy is in effect at all times during Eliot Chapel programs involving children and youth, including both in-person and online events. It is ultimately the responsibility of the entire congregation, not just those who are program volunteers or staff members, to create and maintain an environment that supports the welfare and safety of everyone in the congregation. Paper copies of this policy can be found outside the Religious Education & Youth Office and in the Guest Center. The policy is reviewed annually in collaboration with UUA personnel in the MidAmerica Region.


Staff members and lay leaders who work with children and youth are required to have a background check through the state of Missouri and serve as a team at all times. A minimum of two adult leaders must be present at all activities.

Religious Education Procedures

Religious Education Resources

Please enjoy these resources for children, youth, parents and families, and all ages!

Children's Summer Reading List for Social Justice

Kids and families who are looking for summer reading materials are encouraged to check out the Social Justice Summer Reading List which contains books and resources on racial justice, African-centered books for young children, LBGTQ+ inclusive literature, and links to additional UU recommended resources. This list was compiled in 2016 based on recommended material from UUA religious professionals.

Resources & Activities for Children

Bear & Butterfly Story Time

Kids, meet your UU puppet friends Bear and Butterfly. Click here to discover the UU stories activities, and coloring pages they’re excited to share with you for at-home use.


The Children’s Chalice 

Kids, click here to explore The Children’s Chalice, which features the story of the Flaming Chalice as the UU symbol and includes ideas for creating your own chalice at home and writing your own chalice lighting words.


Alice the Chalice: Coloring Pages & Activities for UU Kids
Hey kids, click here to meet Alice the Chalice and find UU coloring pages, activities, mazes, and YouTube films. Alice the Chalice is a UU kids resource created by UU minister Rev. Amy Freedman and UU consultant Peter Bowden.

Families, you can also check out Peter & Amy’s YouTube film You’re A Uni-What?, found here on YouTube, which explores the Unitarian Universalist religion and common misperceptions people of all ages have about the UU faith tradition.

UU World Family Page
Families: Weave a Tapestry of Faith is the pullout section from UU World magazine containing stories, activities, and conversation starters for families which are drawn from Unitarian Universalist curricula and resources. All editions from 2009-2018 are available in PDF, found here on the UUA website. The story title, topics, and parent reflection are all noted under the edition.

Family Quest on YouTube: Families on a Spiritual Expedition

Check out UU Family Quest’s YouTube Channel. Family Quest is a project of the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship and offers families short videos and film clips on spiritual practices, UU identity, world religions, holidays & holy days, UU parenting, and much more.   

UU Resources for Children’s Faith Development
Explore background information, recommended books, blog posts, and curricula related to children’s faith development in Unitarian Universalism from the UUA. Note that many of the recommended books can be found in the Eliot Chapel libraries.

Discover UU stories, videos, and computer games for children from UU religious educator and parent Michelle Richards. Resources include a list of books arranged by UU principle, a series of videos on different UU-related topics, and a UU parenting survey.

Resources & Activities for Youth

Blue Boat of Youth Ministry
Youth, check out this UU Blog for all things youth ministry, including YouTube clips, articles, opportunities for involvement, and much more.

Resources for Parents & Families

Parenting During a Time of Physical Distancing

Click here for insight and wisdom from UU professionals about parenting during social distancing. 


 Parenting During a Pandemic

Click to explore ways Unitarian Universalist values, practices, and virtual connections can support families in new ways at this time of social distancing.


Growing Young Justice Makers

Check out these UU faith-based resources for insight, ideas, tips, and wisdom on ways to engage children in social justice activities and dialogue.


Interfaith Families Welcome

Unitarian Universalism accepts and values each individual for who they are and includes families with many different religious backgrounds. Click here for UU resources that support families with a variety of religious beliefs.


UU World Parenting Blog
Parents and Family Members, click to explore archived editions of the UU World Parenting Blog on a variety of topics relevant to UU families and children, authored by UU educator and parent Michelle Richards. 


UU Resources for Talking with Children about the News & Tragedy

Unitarian Universalist Identity for All Ages

Seven UU Principles Coloring Pages

Click here for a set of UU coloring pages, one for each of the seven UU principles.

Who are Unitarian Universalists?
Who are Unitarian Universalists (UU’s)? What are the cornerstones of the UU religion? Check out the Unitarian Universalist Association’s short vide
o, We Are Unitarian Universalists, to learn more about our religion and who we are. 

Covenant and UU Community
What do we, as Unitarian Universalists, promise each other? What role does covenant play in our religious community? Check out the video UU Covenant: What Do We Promise One Another for an exploration of covenant and Unitarian Universalism. 

Unitarian Universalism: Voices of a Liberal Faith
Check out this 10-minute video, Voices of a Liberal Faith, for a deeper exploration of Unitarian Universalist beliefs, faith development, education, worship, and commitment to justice. Includes testimony from UUs of all ages.

UU Doodles & Coloring Pages for All Ages
UUs of all ages are invited to check out the Coloring & Doodle Pages on the UUA website. Coloring and doodling can make for a great spiritual practice and be a good relaxation activity for individuals, or a fun activity to do together as a family.

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