• The Meaning of Membership

    When you join a Unitarian Universalist congregation, you are not just joining an organization; you are joining the people of the congregation. This kind of membership is covenantal, that is, you are making a sacred promise to walk together. A familiar form of covenant is the marriage vow—two people promise to join together for better or for worse. To join Eliot Unitarian Chapel is to make this sort of promise, not to only one person, but to the hundreds who gather here. As a member of the congregation, you will have the privilege and responsibility of:

    • voting at annual and special congregational meetings
    • electing the members of the Board of Trustees
    • serving on the teams and task forces that do the ministry of Eliot 
  • The Expectations of Membership

    While our spiritual paths are unique, to build a healthy community of faith requires a level of commitment. Eliot members are encouraged to:

    • Worship regularly with the congregation
    • Join in the work and play of the congregation
    • Participate in an Eliot covenant group for deeper spiritual growth
    • Make a financial commitment
    • Care for and support others in our community
    • Perform service to the wider community
    • Connect with our larger faith movement
  • Becoming an Eliot Member

    1. Participate in Starting Point. This introductory series is highly recommended. The sessions will provide you with an overview of the rich and remarkable history of Unitarian Universalism, introduce the values that characterize our faith, and familiarize you with the history, mission, and activities of Eliot Unitarian Chapel. Information on the series is available in the Guest Center and in weekly Orders of Service and This Week at Eliot, our weekly e-mail newsletter.
    2. Complete the membership questionnaire which can be downloaded from here.
    3. Make a financial pledge. Members make an annual pledge of financial support to the church as a spiritual discipline. What you give is an individual choice. Please consider a pledge that would be generous for you. Your pledge can always be adjusted if your financial circumstances change. Pledge cards are available from the church office, in the Guest Center, or online at www.eliotchapel.org/giving.
    4. Sign our membership book. After completing the steps above, your path to membership concludes in signing the membership book. Please make arrangements with the minister responsible for Membership (at this time, Rev. Krista Taves, ktaves@eliotchapel.org). The Eliot Board of Trustees will formalize your membership at its next meeting after you sign the book. Your new ministry begins!

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