OurEliot promotes and enables healthy communications as promised to one another through the Congregational Covenant. Differences of opinion within a large and diverse community, such as Eliot Chapel, are inevitable. Sometimes conflict (a difference of opinion plus tension) may arise. However, church conflict specialists agree that two key factors in handling differences and conflicts in a healthy manner are having rules of behavior in a covenant, and having a readily available "complaint" process.
OurEliot can be contacted through email at ourEliot@eliotchapel.org.
No anonymous input will be accepted.
Sometimes you may be asked questions to clarify the suggestion, compliment, or concern; to identify the impact of the subject on you; to note previous communication you've had on the subject and with whom; and to determine the outcome you desire.
You may be asked if you would consider communicating the input directly to the appropriate party.
OurEliot will forward inputs to staff, the ministers, or the Board, as appropriate. There will be coordination between ourEliot and responsible party. The process of responding to the input will be tracked, and the person making the comment will receive a response via phone call or email from the responsible party within one month.
OurEliot will review inputs for which for which congregants expressed desired outcomes to determine the disposition of each: whether additional input is needed, or whether the input is actionable or not actionable.
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.