Youth Group for 7th-12th grade youth will kick off on Sunday, August 25 at 10:00 am at Kirkwood Park. Please contact Scott Stewart at for more details about this gathering.
Weekly meetings during the 9:45 worship service begin on September 8, 2024. Activities will begin at 10:00 most Sundays.
For the most up-to-date information about programming details and the specific plans, timing, and schedule for each Sunday, please contact Scott Stewart at
Youth are a treasured part of the Eliot Unitarian Chapel community. Check out Casey Stark’s reflection about his experience in the Youth Group (2016-2020), the Unitarian Universalist opportunities in which he participated, and the impact these experiences had on his life.
Youth Group activities kickoff in Kirkwood Park on August 25 at 10:00 am for youth in grades 7-12 in 2024-25 (or the homeschool equivalent). Please contact Scott Stewart at for each Sunday's specific schedule and meeting time. Regular Sunday gatherings begin September 8 during the 9:45 worship service with activities beginning at 10:00 am most Sundays.
Youth Group experiences often include, but aren’t limited to, the following activities.
For the most up-to-date information about program details and plans for 2024-25, please contact Scott Stewart at
In previous years (2014-2019), a significant number of Eliot youth participated in *leadership experiences with the UU MidAmerica Region and in events sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). These experiences included, but weren't limited to, the following:
*Note that since March 2020, many of these regional and national programs have been placed on hold, canceled, OR transitioned to an online format.
Unitarian Universalist Association: High School Youth
Check out the UUA website for information, resources, leadership opportunities, youth group activities, and ways to connect with other UU youth. A wide range of material is available for youth, advisors, staff, and congregations.
For more information about involvement opportunities for youth at Eliot Chapel, please contact Scott Stewart at
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.