Youth Group at Eliot Chapel (7th-12th grade)

Youth Group for 7th-12th grade youth will kick off on Sunday, August 25 at 10:00 am at Kirkwood Park.  Please contact Scott Stewart at for more details about this gathering.

Weekly meetings during the 9:45 worship service begin on September 8, 2024. Activities will begin at 10:00 most Sundays.

For the most up-to-date information about programming details and the specific plans, timing, and schedule for each Sunday, please contact Scott Stewart at

Youth are a treasured part of the Eliot Unitarian Chapel community. Check out Casey Stark’s reflection about his experience in the Youth Group (2016-2020), the Unitarian Universalist opportunities in which he participated, and the impact these experiences had on his life.

Youth Group 2024-2025

Youth Group activities kickoff in Kirkwood Park on August 25 at 10:00 am for youth in grades 7-12 in 2024-25 (or the homeschool equivalent). Please contact Scott Stewart at for each Sunday's specific schedule and meeting time.  Regular Sunday gatherings begin September 8 during the 9:45 worship service with activities beginning at 10:00 am most Sundays.

Youth Group experiences often include, but aren’t limited to, the following activities.

  • Engaging in a variety of conversations & exploratory activities about spiritual, ethical, and religious topics relevant to youth and Unitarian Universalism.
  • Experiencing and exploring a variety of religious traditions through activities in the Crossing Paths curricula, including potential field trips to other religious institutions.
  • Exploring healthy sexuality and relationships through occasional activities from the Our Whole Lives curriculum and other age-appropriate sexuality education material for youth.
  • Exploring Unitarian Universalist identity and leadership for youth through periodic movies, activities, and dialogue.
  • Participation in fellowship events and community-building activities with other youth and adult leaders.
  • Periodic participation and attendance at Eliot worship services and other congregational events.

For the most up-to-date information about program details and plans for 2024-25, please contact Scott Stewart at

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UU Youth Leadership

In previous years (2014-2019), a significant number of Eliot youth participated in *leadership experiences with the UU MidAmerica Region and in events sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). These experiences included, but weren't limited to, the following:

*Note that since March 2020, many of these regional and national programs have been placed on hold, canceled, OR transitioned to an online format.

UU Resources

Unitarian Universalist Association: High School Youth

Check out the UUA website for information, resources, leadership opportunities, youth group activities, and ways to connect with other UU youth. A wide range of material is available for youth, advisors, staff, and congregations.

For more information about involvement opportunities for youth at Eliot Chapel, please contact Scott Stewart at

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