The Elementary & Middle School Program at Eliot Chapel

Religious Education (RE) classes and activities for elementary and middle school have concluded for 2023-24.  Classes do not meet during the summer months and will resume on September 8, 2024.  For more information about the fall program, please contact Scott Stewart at

Children and youth in grades K-6 should attend the summer worship service with their family.  Pending volunteer availability, some summer Sundays may have the option of supervised outdoor play during the 10 a.m. worship service (this is not guaranteed and is contingent on advance volunteer sign-up). Please contact the Summer RE Team at if you have any questions.

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We light this chalice for our children and youth, and for us:

celebrating the flame of faith lit in each of us,

honoring the light each of us bring into the world,

rejoicing in the community we create together.


—Christian Schmidt (UU Minister)   

Elementary & Middle School Activities (1st-7th Grade)

Fall 2024 

Religious Education (RE) activities for children and youth in 2nd-6th grade are held MOST Sundays beginning September 8, 2024 during the 9:45 am worship service, along with occasional intergenerational worship services. Religious Education gatherings include a mixture of indoor and outdoors activities pending the weather and selected activities.

Children's Religious Education activities primarily focus on Unitarian Universalist identity, UU values & principles, and ways to explore and deepen our spirituality. Here’s a sample of some of the planned activities in the upcoming months and past activities we’ve enjoyed and look forward to offering again in the future.

  • Activities from the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle on a variety of spiritual themes and religious topics relevant to Unitarian Universalism. Curricula from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Tapestry of Faith is also utilized periodically along with a variety of other curricula resources.

  • Exploring UU identity and spirituality through music. Several gatherings throughout the year will include opportunities to learn UU songs and hymns, led by a professional children’s music educator and longtime Unitarian Universalist.

  • Periodic guest speakers from the congregation who share about various Eliot ministries and how their talents and interests impact their UU identity and values.

  • Exploring UU values and spiritual wisdom from different traditions through "Reader's Theater" activities, led by members of the Eliot Madrigal Team. 

  • Periodic opportunities to share outreach with those in need through projects, such as creating Thanksgiving cards and Valentines for Eliot members in need of connection.
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