Our Unitarian Universalist faith understands the human experience as a lifelong journey of learning and growth. At Eliot Chapel we draw on a holistic approach to actively explore our faith, to deepen our spiritual growth and expand our communal practices. We strive to cultivate a community of people who lead in all aspects of their lives to be living beacons for liberation and justice.
Our Adult Enrichment offerings are broken down into 5 areas of focus. Please check back regularly as new programs are always being added.
• Unitarian Universalism - Learn about Unitarian Universalist history, theology, spiritual practice, covenant and more.
• Spiritual Growth - Experience deepening your faith with spiritual practices, small group ministries and more.
• Stages of Life - Connect with people in your age group for fun, learning and personal growth
• Social Justice - Learn about the issues and how to serve our community.
Community Building - Explore our opportunities for social connection, intellectual stimulation, good conversation and good times.
January 6: Parents as Spiritual Guides
January 8: Lunch with the Minister
January 12: Starting Point (Your Journey – Sharing Our Stories and Spiritual Roadmaps)
January 16: Money as a $piritual Practice
January 26: Starting Point (The Unitarian Universalist Journey and the Journey of our Congregation)
February 2: Starting Point (Our Journey Together – The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part 1)
February 9:
On TyrannyBook Study Group
February 9:
Starting Point (The Three Paths, Part 2 and Finding Your Journey Group)
February 12: Lunch with the Minister
February 23: Experience of Immigrants on This Side of the Border
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.