
Looking for a space to rent? Eliot Chapel offers affordable, accessible spaces that can accommodate large group events like weddings, child dedications, concerts, and memorial services. We also offer smaller spaces appropriate for meetings and workshops, including technology for presentation or on-line participation.

Church members in good standing (and members for at least 6 months) can use Eliot for weddings or memorial services at no charge. Church members can also rent or use space at Eliot for non-church related external events at a discounted rate, depending on the purpose of the event. Non-members or outside non-profit groups may rent the space at our regular rate. Payment for ministerial services, A/V services, custodial services, may be in addition to the rates noted below. 

Room(s) Seats Duration (Hours) Member Rate Non-Member Rate Additional Hour Rate Damage Deposit (refundable)
Sanctuary 200 1 $100 $150 $40 $250
Adams Hall 60 1 $75 $100 $35 $250
Kitchen 1 $50 $75 $20 $250
Sanctuary, Adams Hall, Kitchen Bundle 2 250 $350 75 500
Large Rooms 20-35 1 $30 $40 $20 $250
Small Rooms Under 20 1 $25 $30 $10 $250

If you are a member and interested in renting our space, please reach out to with the details of your event and a member of our administrative staff will be in touch. (If you are reserving a meeting space for your group, please fill out this form.)

If you are a non-member or representative of a non-profit group, please fill out this form to share details about your event. Please note, approval of a rental does not constitute or imply Eliot's endorsement of a group, its mission, or its positions, however no activities or advocacy may take place within Eliot's buildings or grounds that conflict with the mission of our congregation.

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