The Starting Point four-part series offers those considering Unitarian Universalism as a spiritual path the opportunity to experience UUism through a small group experience.
If you’ve ever dreamt of standing at the pulpit offering an inspirational message, this is your chance: So You Think You Can Preach!
In Covenant Groups, six to ten people come together in a circle of trust, in covenant, to share about their lives and about meaningful themes.
Love at the Center is a new Wellspring program that offers a transformational 13 session curriculum that is an in-depth exploration of our shared faith, within the context of our personal identities and experiences , diverse communities, and the world.
Just enough information to make you dangerous! UU Crash Course offered by Rev. Krista Taves on Zoom only and open to all St. Louis area UUs.
Imagine that your child is asking THE BIG QUESTIONS, like: "What's God like?"; "Am I going to heaven?"; "What does it mean to sin?”; or the big one, "What happens after we die?" This class invites you to explore your own spiritual journey, gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and help you support your child's spiritual development.
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.