Welcome to the Religious Education program
for children and youth at Eliot Chapel!
Bound by courageous love, growing in spirit, and inspiring compassionate action.
– Eliot Chapel's Mission
We are delighted that your journey has brought you here. The Religious Education program supports Eliot’s Mission Statement by providing opportunities for children and youth (birth through high school) to explore Unitarian Universalist heritage & identity, learn about common religious and spiritual values, engage with variety of religious traditions, discover ways to advocate for justice within a liberal religious community, and providing support on their individual faith journey.
In-person Religious Education (RE) classes for children (birth-6th grade) and youth in grades 7-12 take place MOST Sundays from September-May during the 9:45 a.m. worship service. The 2024-25 program begins on September 8, 2024 during the 9:45 service. Nursery care for children aged five (5) and younger is also available during the 11:15 service beginning September 8.
For the most up-to-date 2024-25 programming details for children and youth, please read This Week at Eliot or contact Scott Stewart at scott@eliotchapel.org.
Children and youth are a treasured part of the Eliot Unitarian Chapel community. Check out this reflective message from Phoebe Mussman about her experiences in the Religious Education (RE) program and youth group from a young age through her graduation from high school in 2015 and the impact these had on her life.
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.