Coffee Hour Is Community!

Coffee Hour is an important tradition of fellowship at Eliot Chapel, taking place in Adams Hall immediately after each worship service on Sunday. It's a time to catch up with fellow members and friends and to greet newcomers. Please join us!

We keep this tradition of hospitality alive by taking turns hosting. This is a simple task and a great way to serve and connect.

Covenant Groups, Women's Weekend committee members, Bergfried committee, Social Justice committee, Choir (you can do this on Sundays you don't sing), or any group within Eliot can host Coffee Hour.

Ask two members from your group to help you and sign up. When you sign up, include the name of your group in the sign up and we will include that in the Order of Service and a sign will be put up next on the coffee counter announcing who is serving coffee. If you are not on a committee, you can sign up too. Would your family like to volunteer?

There are detailed instructions for everyone to follow. This is a great way to meet people and share what your group does for Eliot!

Sign Up for Coffee Hour
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