Hands on Kirkwood 2024

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    Klara Weis listens to a customer at the Toy and Clothing Shop.

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    Terry Jones pulls weeds at the Father Dickson cemetary clean-up.

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    Donna Springer (in red shirt) is ready to unpack donations at Donation Sorting.

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    Claire Robertson (third from left) at donation sorting.

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    Yvonne Serbell (on far right) ready to get unloaded donations from donation pickup at donation sorting.

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    Yvonne Serbell (on right) hands in donatiuons while Barbara Harris (left) unpacks donations at donation sorting.

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    Children and youth helped with donation pickup.

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    Claire Robertson (second from right in back) unpacks donations at Donation Sorting.


About 450 volunteers were mobilized by Hands on Kirkwood to provide over ten community service projects for our neighbors in the Kirkwood School District. One of the largest hauls of food was collected and stocked in the Kirk Care food pantry. Children and families helped, particularly with donation collecting and bag drop. 

A big thank you to our ten Eliot volunteers who participated: Klara Weis, David Maguire, Megan Suiter, Yvonne Serbell, Donna Springer, Terry Jones, Barbara Harris, Claire Robertson, Liz Sale and Janet Solecki. 

Please plan to join the fun next year on October 4, 2025!

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