A Welcome from Rev. Krista Taves, Lead Minister

The Meaning of Eliot Chapel Membership

When you join a Unitarian Universalist congregation, you are joining the people of the congregation. Membership is covenantal, each of us making a sacred promise to walk together. To join Eliot Unitarian Chapel is to make this sort of promise, not to only one person, but to the hundreds who gather here. As a member of the congregation, you will have the privilege and responsibility of:  

  • voting at annual and special congregational meetings
  • electing the members of the Board of Trustees
  • leading and serving on the teams and task forces that do the ministry of Eliot Chapel.  

The Expectations of Membership

While our spiritual paths are unique, to build a healthy community of faith requires a level of commitment. Members are encouraged to: 

  • Worship regularly with the congregation
  • Join in the work and play of the congregation
  • Participate in an Eliot covenant group for deeper spiritual growth
  • Make a financial commitment
  • Care for and support others in our community
  • Perform service to the wider community
  • Connect with our larger faith movement

Steps to Becoming an Eliot Chapel Member

  1. Participate in Starting Point. This 4-session class offers an overview of the rich history of Unitarian Universalism, introduces our UU values and spiritual practices, and familiarizes you with life at Eliot Unitarian Chapel.  It’s offered 3 times a year. If you have completed less than 4, just let us know.  We hope you will take the remaining sessions when the series is offered again.
  2. Let us know when you are ready to join by emailing welcome@eliotchapel.org.
  3. Complete the new member form (below) and make a financial pledge
  4. Meet with the Minister and a member of the Welcome Team.
  5. Sign our Membership Book. The Eliot Board of Trustees will formalize your membership at its next meeting. Your new ministry begins!
  6. Join the Annual New Member Recognition.  We celebrate new members on the third Sunday of May.

Membership Readiness Self-Assessment

The following questions will help you determine if you are ready for membership. The Starting Point Series will help you with your answers.

Identity Do I consider myself a Unitarian Universalist? What tells me that I am?
Spiritual Journey Am I committed to growing spiritually at Eliot Chapel through practice and action? Am I committed to my children receiving a liberal religious education?
Service Am I ready to offer my time and talent to advance Eliot’s mission? Am I willing to learn about what is needed and to help at the level of my ability?
Community Do I understand that being part of a community means to care for others and to allow them to care for me? Do I understand the commitment to our covenant, and am I willing to support it?
Financial Support Do I understand that I have an obligation as a member to provide financial support? Am I prepared to make a commitment in the form of a financial pledge?
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