October 2024 Board Bits

The Board covenant was approved. The covenant was “finalized” with the understanding that it is a living document which can be changed or discussed upon request.

The Board will be reviewing the Congregational Covenant via an ongoing element of the monthly Board meetings. At each meeting, the Board will read through and briefly discuss one element of the Congregational Covenant.

Rev. Krista gave a teach-in about the path for becoming a member of Eliot Chapel and how the board can support the process. 

The first fall Board Linkage event – Pizza Moon – will be held on Friday, November 15, 2024 on the 222 property and under the full moon.  The menu includes pizza and s’mores. Time: 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

The structuring of the minister’s evaluation process is moving forward under the leadership of Kathy Brunts and Bob Becker. Kathy and Bob will meet with Rev. Krista in the near future to discuss the proposed process.   

Jennifer Stauber, Chair-Elect, is leading the Rolling Roadmap/Strategic Plan effort. Steve Mennerick has agreed to remain on the committee, and Ann Lemon will join the committee.

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