Volunteer Spotlight: Carolyn and Rebecca

Clandestine Operations at Eliot Chapel!

Clandestine Operations at Eliot Chapel!

The dishwashers get emptied, the Chapel’s decorations change for the season, the kitchen cabinets get reorganized and labeled, the coffee supplies get replenished weekly, repairs and Chapel needs are reported to the staff, the copy room gets straightened, flower arrangements show up each week in the sanctuary, Bread Service is set up, Flower Communion happens, coffee is always served for Coffee Hour, (even if no one signed up), last minute greeter position is filled when someone has to call in sick. There are many things that just seem to happen at Eliot Chapel. It’s almost like magic, but it’s no mystery…

The Co-Conspirators are Rebecca Schuder and Carolyn Burke!

We have many Volunteer Teams at Eliot Chapel that take on responsibilities for our chapel’s needs, when asked. But these two ladies are always the first-responders when a need arises, and they act quickly and efficiently behind-the-scenes, no questions asked…the job gets done. “Above and Beyond” is the description many people use when describing the work Carolyn and Rebecca do around Eliot Chapel.


These are Volunteer Teams in which Carolyn participates:

Chapel Needs/Interior & Exterior, Summer Sexton, Coffee Hour Coordination & organization of kitchen/supplies, Chapel Chancel, Greeter/Usher, Storage Room Shakedown, Flower Team Member, Bread Sunday Coordination, Flower Communion Coordination.

How long have you been attending Eliot Chapel?

“I have been attending Eliot since1986. I was married here and our 2 sons attended the R.E. Program, when Rev. Janet Pillman was the Associate Minister and she became my mentor.”

Why is it important for you to engage in volunteering at Eliot Chapel?

“I enjoy helping others, and greeting with a smile. I like decorating for the seasons and making sure we leave a good first impression to our visitors and guests. I receive spiritual guidance each Sunday that I attend service and get inspiration for the groundwork to take action within our community and beyond.”


These are Volunteer Teams in which Rebecca participates:

Chapel Needs Exterior & Interior, Eliot Front Office Substitute, Event Host/Coordinator, Fun Team, Memorial Receptions, Storage Room Shakedown, Summer Sexton, Coffee Hour Coordinator, Recycle, Greeter Substitute, Flower Team Coordinator, Bread Sunday Coordination, Flower Communion Coordination, Adopt-a-Garden-Urn.

How long have you been attending Eliot Chapel?

“I joined Eliot Chapel in 1984. There were some years away when we moved to New York and when other things in life interfered with our attendance."

Why is it important for you to engage in volunteering at Eliot Chapel?

"In my opinion, volunteering is a way to make a pledge to Eliot Chapel. The different chores I do help to make Eliot a welcoming community. Volunteering provides another way for me to be a part of this community and make a deeper connection here. Volunteering is one way I meet people. Making coffee on Sunday or being a greeter allows me to talk with someone new each time. Volunteering has taught me new skills and volunteering is fun!"

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