Eliot Unitarian Chapel Staff Covenant

As members of the core staff of Eliot Unitarian Chapel, we enter into this covenant to forge and maintain strong positive relationships among each other and with the congregation in support of its mission and vision. It is our goal to promote healthy behaviors and sustainable work practices in support of the congregation’s intent to create a caring community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of service, integrity, and joy.  We ask for the congregation’s support in helping us to sustain this covenant.

We, the staff, make the following commitments to each other:

  • We agree to be respectful, forthright and direct in our communications with each other and Eliot Chapel, assuming good will and striving to be worthy of it.
  • We affirm the gifts each brings to the staff and will seek to support each other in fulfilling our varied responsibilities.
  • We promise to respect each other’s work schedules and the rhythms of our work life.
  • We will refrain from expressing criticism of each other outside of the staff unit.  We will express our concerns and thoughts directly to each other.
  • We will respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared between staff members and will share information learned in a staff context only with the permission of the individual who shared it. This includes email information.
  • We will express and maintain clear personal and professional boundaries, while respecting the boundaries of others. We will support each other in making space for our personal lives.
  • We will honor the covenant we have made with the larger Unitarian Universalist movement, especially as expressed through the guidelines of our various professional associations.
  • We covenant to share pertinent information regarding congregants within the staff team.  Most information will be kept confidential within the staff team with exceptions for information that we discern must be taken to relevant parties. 
  • If we have concerns with each other, we will address each other directly.  If this does not resolve the issue, we will request the support of the Lead Minister, who supervises all staff. 
  • In the event that we have reasonable concerns regarding suspected child abuse or abuse of a vulnerable adult, we will inform the Lead Minister. Appropriate steps will be taken in accordance with Missouri’s mandated reporter laws. 
  • To maintain healthy relationships, we agree to hold to the following model in responding to complaints or concerns brought to us by a staff member or member of the congregation:
  • Ask the person to approach the staff member directly;
  • Offer to go with the person to speak to the staff member;
  • Or, the matter will be dropped.
  • We will endeavor to be constructive in our dealings with each other. We will look for opportunities to build a sense of teamwork and take time for having fun.

Adopted by the Staff, September 2024 

Rev. Dee Evans (Assistant Minister), Brian Franklin (Business Manager), Debby Lovell (Administrative Assistant/Communications), Scott Stewart (Director of Religious Education), Rev. Krista Taves (Lead Minister)

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