March 26 at 7:00 pm in Adams Hall and by Zoom
Attempts to criminalize immigrants are sprouting up everywhere, not only in Texas as we see in the news, but also here in Missouri. Come to the meeting to hear the latest updates on this subject and learn about how we can stand up against this racist and xenophobic movement. We will also update you on the next steps with the Honduran family, put the finishing touches on our new structure, and make plans for activities for the next church year.
Join us – there are many opportunities for you to get involved in supporting justice for immigrants!
Note: Your in-person presence would best but we now have a microphone which will hopefully make a hybrid meeting work. See Sunday's "Eliot on Zoom" email to connect.
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.