The Board of Trustees met on November 21, 2023 in Adams Hall.
The Board recently participated in the Downtown Kirkwood annual Halloween Walk (see photo above) by handing out candy and informational fliers from a booth outside of the Kirkwood Farmers’ Market.
The Board also has initiated an annual fundraiser request for donations at the end of the year to fulfill our budget needs for this fiscal year. The deadline to contribute is December 17. The first 100 people to contribute $100 or more will receive an ornament designed and printed by artist member Ahmed Eldarratt.
The Board of Trustees plans to hold a strategic planning workshop with David Pyle, Regional Lead for the Unitarian Universalist Association, which will give us a kick-start to creating a rolling 3-year strategic plan.
The Board is working to make changes to the way we evaluate our lead minister. In the past, the minister’s annual evaluation was based on how well the church met our stated goals as evaluated by congregation members in an annual survey. Now we will move to a new process that provide a more specific evaluation process in many areas that are important to our church.
The church has hired Brian Franklin as our new Congregational Administrator and he brings with him a wealth of experience and fresh perspectives.
Join us in our historic Sanctuary or online each Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 am. After the service, stay for Coffee Hour in Adams Hall.
The Eliot Chapel Front Office is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.